Chaiya Art Awards helps fund this vital work
Our Charity partner UNSEEN works to end human trafficking and modern slavery.

Our Charity partner UNSEEN works to end human trafficking and modern slavery. Chaiya Art Awards helps fund this vital work by donating a percentage of all book and artwork sales from the exhibitions at the gallery@oxo. UNSEEN works across the UK with Government and key agencies, as well as directly with survivors; runs the UK Modern Slavery Helpline; provides emergency safehouse accommodation; supports survivors to recover from their trauma and live in freedom and safety in the community Unseen uses art as therapy to aid recovery of survivors.
The Art of Healing
At Unseen, we often see the value and benefit of therapeutic art and craft activities for the people we support. Whether it is with residents in our Safehouses or with groups of survivors rebuilding their lives in the community, we know that when survivors take part in creative activities it gives them the opportunity to explore their feelings in imaginative and reflective ways.
Our partnership with the Chaiya Art Awards celebrates and supports the therapeutic value of creativity and the deeply important role that it can play in the process of healing.
“A relationship with our imagination is a relationship with our deepest self.”
PAT B Allen
Connection with the imagination can be a transformational step in a person’s healing. It helps survivors to process their past and, importantly, to develop the courage to begin imagining a safe and more positive future.
by Kate Garbers, Co-Founder of Unseen and Independent Consultant on Modern Slavery
Registered charity no: 1127620